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Selected Cases for Inspiration

Public Sector

Health Strategy



A healthy culture of collaboration and well-being, a visionary leader wanted to further invest in the culture as part of a strategic health effort. The investment was two-fold – firstly to increase the employee’s awareness of their own personal well-being and secondly to gain insights into the overall status of the employee group.

72 Participants

The result of a 2-day Rapid Solution Workshop was firstly, a clear common understanding about health and stress. Furthermore, they identified potential health resources and potential causes of stress which led to a collaboration about "who is responsible for what" in a modern, complex work - and social structure. 


Secondly, each employee gained insights into their personal health ”score” based on a scientific test. Thirdly, they collaboratively identified, developed, and prioritized concrete habits for good health behavior in their daily work.

As part of an overall health strategy, employees and managers collaborated on how to implement a good health behavior in their workplace.


The management team received a complete overview of the overall health status on 15 significant areas which gave them strong ownership to their responsibilities for future health focus areas.


Achieved commitment and joint ownership of +10 good habits to health and well-being for their own workplace.

Public Sector

Public Sector

Culture and Values



A new management profile was developed and communicated by the executive leadership in a large municipality in Denmark to be implemented. 5 units were merged into one logic division with a new appointed director.


The newly formed leadership team’s challenge was how to create cohesion between distributed units with a common professional foundation for corporation and operation.

6 + 130 Participants

The results of several 1-day and 2-day Rapid Solution Workshops was firstly insights, alignment and commitment in the new leadership team to the requirements and expectations of the new management profile.

Secondly, each unit was separately engaged in team dynamics to adopt a common language for collaboration across all units.

Thirdly, all employees identified and developed 6 new common values for the whole division.

Fourthly, each unit discussed and aligned on how they would implement and adopt the values to a new way of working.

Managers and employees collaborated and developed a common identity for the merged division to adopt the new management profile in the municipality.


Enabled the new leadership team to become ambassadors for the implementation of new management profile in each unit.

Achieved commitment from all employees on important principles for ’How to Work’ together to reduce barriers and obstacles in their everyday work life.

Culture and Values

Kulturmødet Mors

Strategy Development



Due to the enormous success of the not-for-profit event – Kulturmødet Mors – the operating organization was challenged to support the scale it had become. They needed to gather all relevant key stakeholders to discuss how to transition into a more efficient and sustainable working operating model that could ensure a future “Kulturmødet Mors” without losing its core values.

The results of a half day Rapid Solution Workshop was firstly, an investigation into which business model that should support the future of Kulturmødet Mors.

Secondly, they identified and aligned which specific management structure that would sustain a future operation and development.

Thirdly, they synthesised on the specific requirements for the one person who should represent the event externally as well as the level of decision-making competence this person should have.

12 Participants

The Board of Directors and the steering committee collaborated on how to professionalize the organization.


Enabled the mayor, artists, corporate people and founders of the event to collaborate and reach a common ground on which changes that needs to be initiated to overcome future challenges and sustain Kulturmødet Mors without losing its core values.


Did we mention that Kulturmødet Mors has become one of the biggest cultural events in Denmark?

Kulturmødet Mors

Sport Event Denmark

Strategy Development



Sport Event Denmark attracts and funds many big international sport events to be held in Denmark, but they miss one more major Danish sport event that can attract the broad public attendees and international participation. They needed a way to involve many key and very different stakeholders to tab into their knowledge and experience. 

38 Participants

The results of the 1-day Rapid Solution Workshop was firstly, a common understanding of what it takes to attract, execute and develop a major Danish sporting event that can receive broad public support as well as international participation. 


Secondly, the group got insights to lessons learned from another big Danish public event.


Thirdly, in groups they brainstormed and developed several ideas and selected the best three ideas to iterate and improve the quality and robustness of.

A diverse group of stakeholders collaborated what it will take to create a public sport event.


A qualified decision foundation for whether the potential is present for a major sport event in Denmark that complies with Sport Event Denmark’s vision and ambition.


Sport Event Denmark had three qualified ideas on what and how to initiate the next major Danish sport event.

Sport Event Denmark
Merget Units

Public Sector

Merget Units / New Identity



Two merged units worked along side for a long time without discussing how each unit could collaborate efficiently and support each other. Therefore, the leadership team’s challenge was how to align and commit all employees to a new “we”-culture.

The results of three 1-day Rapid Solution Workshops was firstly insights to team dynamics and hands-on experience in how to enable collaboration across silos and become high performing teams.​

Secondly, all employees identified and developed 6 common values for how to act as one culture.​

Thirdly, each area discussed and aligned on how they would implement and adopt the new values into their day-to-day work.​

Fourthly, they collaborated and identified barriers in the organization that needed to be changed and how to, in order to promote well-being, development and cohesion.

74 Participants

Managers and employees collaborated, identified and calibrated their common values and identity.


Established common ground for a "we”-culture and how to collaborate across different disciplines.​

Achieved commitment on important principles for “How to work” together and how these principles can serve as a guiding star for all employees to reduce barriers and obstacles in their daily collaboration.

Financial Service 

Strategy Roadmap



The executive leadership team in Customer Service Nordic Area, usually set the direction for the coming year. Due to big changes within the company there was a need to involve, engage and align all managers on how the next year roadmap should apply to the company’s’ overall strategy.

The results of the 2-day Rapid Solution Workshop was firstly, insights to market trends and customer expectations from key stakeholders.

Secondly, based on these insights, the group developed several strategic initiatives. Among these, the group chose 15 strategic initiatives to detail the quality and robustness of and link to their Must Win Battles.

Thirdly, the initiatives were detailed into one-pagers and were arranged, aligned and committed into the Customer Service roadmap for the coming year.

68 Participants

Managers across the Nordic countries collaborated and aligned a strategy to their next year roadmap.


Enabled managers to initiate and succeed with the agreed strategic initiatives to meet their goals and customer expectations.


All managers became ambassadors for the roadmap and it enabled them to give clear communication to all employees about what was going to happen next year.


Did we mention that the overall rating was 6.4 out of 7 for our deliverables?

Strategy Roadmap
Strategy Kick-off

Financial Service

Strategy Kick-off 



A lot of work had been put into the new company strategy and the question was how to engage, receive feedback and enable all business units in Denmark to adopt it quickly. 

Furthermore, the executive leadership team wanted to present the new visual identity in a creative way and that people had fun!

330 Participants

The results of the 1-day Rapid Solution Workshop was a spectacular iterative kick-off engaging all employees. Firstly, all employees got a deep understanding of the new strategy, insights in the intentions behind the new visual identity and what the future targets for each business areas were.


Secondly, they were engaged in discussing how to enable the adoption of the new strategy into their business unit afterwards. 


Thirdly, they got the chance to provide feedback to the leadership team and catch up with their colleagues across the company in an engaging, informal and fun way.

Employees including managers and executive leadership were kicking off the new company strategy.


Involving all managers and employees in a collaborative and engaging way, accelerated the buy-in and adoption from all business units to the new company strategy.

The leadership team received qualified feedback from each business area that enabled them to circle back and adjust the strategy.

Did we mention that they also had fun?

Production & Service

Strategy Implementation



How to grow and expand the business in a healthy economic way? The challenge for the executive leadership team was that the business and the organisation were growing but it had become difficult for section leaders to navigate and make long term business decisions because they lacked the overall strategy for the company.

4 Participants

The results of the 2-day Rapid Solution Workshop was firstly, alignment on four Must Win Battles on how the company should achieve their 5-year strategy.


Secondly, the group identified several strategic initiatives and tied them to the Must Win Battles.


Among these, the group prioritised 16 initiatives to detail the quality and robustness into project mandates which thirdly, was collaboratively aligned across all business areas in a Transformation Map.

Executive leaders committed to their first 5-year guiding strategy and next year implementation plan.


Achieved alignment and ownership on decided scenario and commitment to communicate, execute and implement the strategy in the business units.

Ensured that everyone had confidence that the decisions made can work across business areas and support functions.

Strategy Implemenation
Growth Strategy

Production & Service

Growth Strategy



How to break down silos and create commitment when the board ask for 15% growth each year? The challenge for the CEO and his leadership team was how to accelerate a common understanding, within the whole organisation, the need for implementing necessary changes that would realize the boards growth targets for the company.
The results of the 2-day Rapid Solution Workshop was firstly, four identified Must Win Battles on how they will achieve their 2-year strategy together.

Secondly, the group developed several project initiatives that were tied to the Must Win Battles. Among these, the group prioritized 18 initiatives to detail the quality and robustness into project mandates which thirdly, was collaboratively aligned across all business areas in a Transformation Map.
18 Participants

Executive leaders including the ext. management team committed to a 2-year guiding strategy and an implementation plan for the coming year.

Achieved joint ownership on decided scenario for and ensured that minimum 85% of employees clearly understand the strategy and their own role in that strategy.

Ensured that everyone had confidence that the decisions made can work across business areas and support functions.

Did we mention that already after 12 months they achieved the board’ target by more than 25%?

Production & Service

Performance Culture

The company had grown their employee and customer base in a short period of time due to expansion to more industries. The CEO’ challenge was how to strengthen the performance culture among all employees and align it with the company’s vision, mission and values.
The results of several half day Rapid Solution Workshops was firstly, insights to communication strategies and engagement in team dynamics to adopt a common language for collaboration across business units.

Secondly, they explored and collaborated, with inputs from their customers and key suppliers, how their future market demands would look like.

Thirdly, they calibrated the common understanding of the company’s core values and with these insights, they discussed and synthesized how it can be aligned with their customer engagement.

Fourthly, each business unit discussed and agreed how they would implement the new insights to further improve their performance.
75 Participants

All employees discussed and collaborated on what and how to improve the performance culture.


Increased awareness and motivation among employees to the company’s vision, mission and values and how to apply it to their customers future needs and expectations.


Alignment and commitment across all business units on how to increase performance.

Improve Workshop

Production & Service

Improve Strategy Workshop

The executive leadership team identified a year back the company’s ‘Must Win Battles, several strategic initiatives and a transformation plan to increase growth.

Looking back at the ‘year that passed’ one thing was to assess the learnings and the need for adjustment but the challenge at the same time was, how to engage and commit the extended management team even more and take responsibility moving forward.
The results of the 1-day Rapid Solution Workshop was firstly, a mutual understanding on the progress and experience with the implementation of the strategic initiatives that were initiated a year back. 

Secondly, ‘buy-in’ from the extended management team with identified new activities that support the company’s ‘Must Win Battles’. 

Thirdly, together they calibrated and aligned the guiding strategy.
9 Participants

The executive leadership team and the extended management team collaborated to adjust the implementation plan and align with the strategy.

Buy-in from the extended management team to the 5-year strategy and Must Win Battles by aligning and committing to new and updated activities.
A calibrated strategy and an updated implementation plan that expresses what they want to achieve in the coming years.
Family Owned Business

Family-owned Business

Generation Change

A small family-owned company yet with a huge market share in Denmark where challenged with what exit-strategy the founders should chose within the next 5 years due to retirement. Should they sell right away to their competitor due to their current position in the market or should they wait 5 years to sell or start handing over the keys to the next generation in the family.
The results of the 1-day Rapid Solution Workshop was firstly, insights to possible future scenarios for the company and clarification of any dilemmas associated with them.

Secondly, in groups they identified opportunities and implications for each scenario.

Thirdly, they prioritized each scenario based on each individual preference. This became foundation for discussion to reach an alignment on which future scenario that was most attractive to proceed with.
4 Participants

Both generations in the family collaborated and discussed 'pros and cons' for the different exit strategies.

Achieved alignment and commitment for a decided scenario and what necessary changes they, as a family, need to initiate the coming 3-6 months to reach a 5-year exit strategy.
Ensured that the whole family had confidence and will take responsibility in implementing the future strategy for the company.
Sales & Operaton

IT & Technology

Sales and Operation

The headquarter appointed a new CEO to lead and manage the local entity in Denmark to regain market share and grow the customer base.

The new CEO’ challenge was therefore how to mobilize the extended management team to improve collaboration across teams to increase growth and sales.
The results of the 1-day Rapid Solution Workshop was firstly, a clear understanding of the value and necessity to collaborate better together to increase growth and sales.

Secondly, they collaborated, calibrated and identified concrete initiatives on how to live the core values including increase fun in the daily collaboration.

Thirdly, discussed and aligned on how to provide positive and constructive feedback to each other to increase productive teamwork.
28 Participants

Executive leaders and extended management team collaborated on how to optimize the way they work together on sales and operation.

A strong ownership in the extended management team to take responsibility to implement agreed initiatives and behavior to increase growth and sales.
An increased awareness on how to apply a healthy feedback culture to improve sales.
Did we mention that they had fun?
Vision, Mision and Values

IT & Technology

Vision, Mission & Values

The company was doing well and ran a profitable business with a reasonable stable employee base and having a +15% growth every year. The challenge the CEO and his leadership team faced was how to emphasis and strengthen the core identity to increase coherence.
The results of a 2-day Rapid Solution Workshop was firstly a journey into how the company’s culture was perceived from several different perspectives.

Secondly, every employee was engaged in the status of each business unit and how they were progressing and performing.

Thirdly, in groups they were challenged in how they did and wanted to support and service their customers according to the company values.
To compare, they received insights to how their customers viewed them and their future expectations to them. Fourthly, each unit calibrated and made commitments to how they would enhance the collaboration across. 
50 Participants

The management team and all employees collaborated around the company’s vision, mission and how to interpret and put actions behind their values and break down silos.


The management team received a complete overview of the overall health status on 15 significant areas which gave them strong ownership to their responsibilities for future health focus areas.


Achieved commitment and joint ownership of +10 good habits to health and well-being for their own workplace.

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