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How do you align people for major change?


Even great strategies fail if they are not properly implemented. In practice, new strategies designed to deliver competitive advantages or performance improvements have a poor track record of being implemented well.

Assuming your new strategy is sound, why doesn’t the organisation respond and adapt to the new direction?

The answer is that implementation is always more difficult than formulation. In our perspective, many companies overlook the fact that a new strategy not only needs to be implemented in the culture but by the culture!

When you formulate a strategy, you have a ton of models available to assist you. In contrast, when you implement strategy, there are very limited options for frameworks to use. Implementation involves changing the behavior and action of almost everyone in the company, and leaders need different ways to communicate the messages. 

We believe that the support of managers and employees is crucial for successful implementation of a strategy …AND we believe that it requires not only buy-in but real commitment and ownership, which can only be obtained through genuine involvement! When there is a lack of buy-in and commitment, people do not proactively make the changes that are needed to adapt to the strategy. 

How does your organization kick off a new strategy? …and how does your organization ensure that the strategy is implemented with real commitment by the culture afterwards?

Why not invite all relevant people to your next strategy session?

Our last strategy kick-off event involved more than 300 employees and managers. In just one day they managed to interpret the expectations and requirements of the organization's new strategy by working together. They gained in-depth perspectives, discussed all the questions they could come up with and provided qualifying feedback. While having fun…!

How? Our mobile learning environment offers the space and the process for people to work together to accelerate decisions, resolve business issues, design solutions, and to create shared ownership.


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+45 6133 6818

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